Freight forwarders are currently undergoing a shift where they have to choose whether to stick to their current working practices or become digital freight forwarders. To address the dilemma, Cargo stream, together with the Lithuanian National Association of Freight Forwarders and Logistics Professionals, organised a conference called “Freight Forwarding: Status Quo and Its Future”.
During the event, opened by the vice minister of Transport and Communications in Lithuania, PhD Agnė Vaiciukevičiūtė, experts discussed the topics of collaboration, technologies, and leadership.
The representative of the Lithuanian National Association of Freight Forwarders and Logistics Professionals, Edmundas Daukantas, presented the current challenges faced by the sector and best practices abroad, focusing on how collaboration, including collaboration technologies, can improve the efficiency of freight forwarding.
Sarunas Belickas, the COO at Cargo stream, spoke about the process of adopting technologies in freight forwarding, focusing on outlining the steps of the task from self-service portals to fully automatised collaboration platforms.
Linas Dungveckis, a military and business leadership coach, has provided a short workshop on leadership during transformations, helping the event’s participants identify the core skills and practices needed to digitalise their operations successfully.
The conference was closed by a panel discussion where the experts shared their opinions on the largest threats to the sector and issues arising in the way of automating the work processes.
Cargo stream hopes that the event will start a dialogue among freight forwarders and help them easily adopt technology tools.