This year, we had 12 candidates for 9 seats and the elected team consists of :
• Anthony POULLAIN from Cargo stream, elected as President
• Rasa Starkus from Vyno klubas who has been elected as Vice President
• Franck De Bruyn from Siempre, elected as Vice President
• Taurimas VALYS from ŠEIMOS KREDITO UNIJA, elected as Vice President and Treasurer
• Ruta Pulkauninkaite Macike from Hotel PACAI, Vilnius ;
• Gintarė Didžiokaitė from Straikas UAB ;
• Kristina Černiauskienė from Integre Trans – Transportation & Freight Forwarding Services ;
• Mindaugas Papievis from Servier ; and
• Stephan Chevalier from OBI-Consulting.
This new board will assist our Chamber’s director Guillaume DOUVILLE to enhance the added value, to set up events and to bridge Lithuanian and French companies.
Our first Board Meeting is taking place next Monday in order to inform and train our new board members about the Chamber’s functions, missions and discuss our strategy.